Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Hikers Wish!

Hiking up the side of a mountain or a cliff gives you lots of time to think. That can bring out some of our wishes and dreams from the back of our minds that we have had for years. It might come from just struggling to breath or at time just hoping you will live and wondering what the %$#%$ &^%& I am doing this for anyway. But you just gotta do it. Something is driving you.

One of the many time that I've done the annual yearly climb of of Squaw Peak while visiting Scott's family in Arizona I started thinking.......

Since I had left Ireland at a very young age I had never did much with my family and that was what I missed the most in life. I did have a sister in American though (more on that story at a later date) but we did not see each other very often. We were both busy living our lives. My sister was busy with her family, business, and friends She also had many sports, but at that time hiking was not one of them. While I was trying to take a breath a thought came to mind, I wish I could climb this with my sister.

A few years later I got a phone call from my sister saying she had bought a winter home in Arizona.

At that moment I could see the beginnings of a dream coming true. Next year she invited me to stay at her beautiful home and we did my dream hike together. We even made a yearly hike together whenever we were in Arizona at the same time.
From Angie-Jeff-home-Arizona-2008

From Angie-Jeff-home-Arizona-2008

From Angie-Jeff-home-Arizona-2008

Since then my sister is a dedicated Arizona hiker. Thank you Sister Angela for a dream come true and sharing your beautiful home, and time out of your busy life. For these memories I will always treasure.

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